Saturday, October 5, 2013

Saturday oct 5

TOR Browser---Anonymity Online

NSA hates TOR Browser---TOR stands for ""The Onion Router"" a series of connections that creates an anonymous internet
TOR is ""King of High Secure Internet Anonymity""

NSA can see some individual users, but not whole TOR network

""TOR Stinks"" document

Google is encrypting its searches link here

Newsweek Profiles Marcy Wheeler link here

Marcy Wheeler on Scooter Libby Trial link here
Marcy Wheeler examines MORE NSA LIES at Senate Hearing link here

But the most telling exchange occurred between Amy Klobuchar, Keith Alexander, and James Clapper. (after 1:25) Klobuchar asked why they hadn’t told the Committee of the violations reported in an internal NSA review when they last appeared before the committee. After Alexander tried to filibuster (actually addressing the report in question and noting only ODNI and DOJ get those numbers, not FISC or Congress), Clapper interrupted and pretended she had asked about the LOVEINT incidents just reported to Charles Grassley. Clapper claimed those hadn’t been reported because they were 12333 violations.

In other words, while this may (or may not) be minor, they are real violations of FISA authorities, the stuff that Congress and the Courts are supposed to oversee. And Clapper just blew off the question by saying they don’t have to disclose any violations pertaining to EO 12333 (even though a chunk of these violations weren’t EO 12333 violations).

Which of course demonstrates a further point. The Intelligence Community is basically refusing to discuss any EO 12333 violations and/or programs, even while it also picks up US person information at least incidentally.

And yet they claimed there was adequate oversight over those programs.

General Hayden on Snowden podcast link here
Hayden says NSA spying is legal and overseen by Congress, and dismisses Snowden as ""

Hayden says
Snowdens leak is most significant in history, he exposed the pipes and plumbing. Even compared to REAL SPIES and the death of sources at the hands of previous spies such as Hansen and Ames is not as bad as Snowden's leaking how we do everything

Dismissed Snowden, Glenn Greenwald, as ex-patriots ""Greenwald publishes on the weekends, dribbles them out""

On Snowden and leaks, Hayden compares to levees around Lake Pontchartrain as ""strongest in a century""  and says ""Katrina was still a bad idea"" but LEVEES WERE STRENGTHENED AFTER KATRINA NOT BEFORE!!!!

so Snowden IS KATRINA exposing weaknesses----AND WE NEED TO STRENGTHEN DEFENSES!!!

again Hayden ""welcomes the debate"" but wants it based on ""facts"" THAT ARE SECRET AND LEAKS ARE EVIL and NSA lies to Congress

Hayden Says ""In a ""perfect world"" I would brief House and Senate Intelligence Committees""   (WHAT??!! So How does he say there is OVERSIGHT NOW??!!!!)

Hayden on Snowden---I reject Whistleblower, Snowden ""stole something he didnt own"" flew to serial foreign countries, "I call him defector"" troubled, morally arrogant---he will be isolated, bored, lonely, depressed, many defectors became alcoholics---its not zero chance of getting him back here to stand trial.

Hayden (at 37:24) mentions Executive Order 12333 and FISA as authority over NSA 

Hayden dismisses Snowden, but totally ignores OTHER whistleblowers!!! 

Thomas Drake was an NSA WhistleBlower after 9/11---WELL before Snowden--and had the same concerns about NSA spying and tactics and abuses of privacy

Thomas Drake article about Snowden and NSA

Thomas Drake video about NSA in March 2013 (before Snowden's revelations)

NSA COLLECTS EVERY WORD of domestic communications

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