Thursday, December 5, 2013

Immigration Reform Now

The Senate passed the Gang of 8 Immigration bill back in June, but since then it has not been brought up by a vote in the House by John Boehner.  With less than 8 days left in the Congressional calender, it seems like it is dead this year. But it appears things may change soon.  Those protesting for immigration reform have been increasing the pressure for comprehensive reform.  Comprehensive reform went nowhere in 2007, and was last done in 1986. Articulate young protesters have approached Boehner at breakfast at a local diner, at his home early in the morning, and are occupying the mall in front of Congress, fasting since November 20th.  They have passionate intimate stories of being separated from their families, and are stuck in the American nightmare, hoping for a chance at the American dream.  All Boehner has said is he is trying to find a way to move on reform.  Conservatives have their lists of negatives for not embracing immigration reform---its a drain on economy, immigrants only vote Democrat, it awards illegal activity, will increase crime, and other reasons why they can't do anything on reform.

President Obama has his faults as well, breaking a promise to stop deportations of non criminal illegal immigrants.  He is approaching 2 million deportations, more than any other president.

Immigration reform will help children who were brought here through no fault of their own, will help those who see America as their only home, who did well in high school and are not allowed to go to college, who want to work here and pay taxes but are not allowed to.  Even Grover Norquist likes immigration reform as a way to get more money without raising taxes, because more people will be paying taxes at the current rate. He also amazingly criticizes the history of racist immigration policies.  It will help the debt and deficit, will not lead to an increase in crime (they are already here, crime won't increase if they're made legal).

Hopefully the House will act soon, as several political barriers are falling---registration for the 2014 election is over soon, so threats of being primaried from the right will either appear or not soon.  Too bad politicians these days care more about being reelected rather than serving the people they represent.

Serve the people's needs, and you will be reelected.  Your job is to serve the people you represent, not yourself.

We are a nation of immigrants, and they are our greatest strength.  It's time to keep our promises to them, and make the process of becoming a citizen in this great country possible.


hire of Rebecca Talent may be sign of hope for Immigration

THIS AMERICAN LIFE story about the Morton Memos and Obama's policies

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