Saturday, November 9, 2013

Alexa O'Brien facts on Chelsea (Bradley) Manning and trial

Facts about Manning Trial and US V. Wikileaks that media ignores

From Twitter @carwinb

1.) The wanton publication accusation regarding WikiLeaks is totally bogus. tweet

2.) Only 223 docs from 4 larger datasets of #Manning charged under "reason to believe" 116 cables, 102 SIGACTS from Afghan AND Iraq, 5 GTMO tweet

3.) Add to that the 1x 2008 USACIC memo on WL; 2 CIA Red Cell Memos; handful of investigative docs re May 2009 US bombing in Farah tweet

4.) All classified as SECRET or below. Ridiculous propaganda continues regarding #Manning #Assange #WikiLeaks tweet

5.) Take GTMO files (only 5 charged under "reason to believe" ie. Espionage Act. 3 docs are Tipton Three. tweet

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