Saturday, November 9, 2013

washington post and NSA

some thoughts on Wahington Post, Jeff Bezos and NSA

From Christopher Soghoian (ACLU) tweet here
             Guess which major cloud computing company still hasn't published a transparency report for gov                  surveillance? Amazon.

so Bezos buys Washington Post in August link here with lots of implications----move paper online, make it a private company, expand Amazon empire (although it's Bezos buying paper NOT Amazon).

Snowden gave NSA documents in June to Guardian Glenn Greenwald, NYT Laura Poitras, with others like Bruce Schneier, and Barton Gellman of the Washington Post.

the questions are when did Bezos first plan to buy Washington Post----did he know about PRISM and Amazon cloud and NSA??? and how has NSA coverage been at Washington Post (besides Barton Gellman)???

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