Saturday, November 16, 2013


to publicly disagree with an official opinion, decision, or set of beliefs
to differ in opinion
political opposition to a government or its policies
religious nonconformity
a justice's nonconcurrence with a decision of the majority link

without dissent there would be no America, no Declaration of Independence, no end to slavery, segregation, women's right to vote, fights for civil rights and civil liberties, no President Barack Obama, no change ever.

the majority rules in a democracy, but is not always right, and it is up to the minority to protest, investigate, run for office, yell at the majority, change public opinion and become the elected majority, in our long fight bending the arc of justice.

breaking the law is wrong, but so is corruption, fraud, abuse of power.  exposing truth should not be a crime, even when the law is broken to do it.

Thank you whistleblowers, ignored whistleblowers who became leakers, journalists, lawyers, hackers, protesters, public servants, elected leaders, patriots---YOU are what makes America great!!!

FREE Chelsea (Bradley) Manning, Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Barrett Brown, Jeremy Hammond and everyone else.

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