Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday Sept 13

John Kerry's legacy as Secretary of State will be Syria---he wanted it to be Israel/Palestine agreement here

India---4 men sentenced to death in rape case---Judge breaks pen after signing, hoping never to have to sign a death here

Kerry and Lavrov now focus on larger settlement to Syria here

Kerry, Lavrov, Brahimi, Meet in Geneva---Opposition leader there as well here

  • Syrian rebels said such a move would not stop the killing. Free Syrian Army spokesperson Louay Moqdad told the BBC that Mr Assad still had plenty of conventional weapons at his disposal and was trying to "buy time" with the help of the Russians

UN says Syrian Government now deliberately attacking Hospitals here

Al Qaeda and Ayman al-Zawahri calls for lone wolf attacks inside the US here
Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri urged small-scale attacks inside the United States to "bleed America economically", adding he hoped eventually to see a more significant strike

Al Qaeda sees economics as their eventual tool to see US ""empire"" fail as happened with Soviet Union 
"We should bleed America economically by provoking it to continue in its massive expenditure on its security, for the weak point of America is its economy, which has already begun to stagger due to the military and security expenditure," he said.

1,429 dead---behind the really high number here
Three congressional sources told Reuters that administration officials had indicated in private that some deaths might have been caused by the conventional bombing that followed the release of sarin gas in suburban Damascus neighborhoods. This disclosure undermined support for President Barack Obama's plan to strike Syria, they said.

Google now encrypting data here
Encrypting information flowing among data centers will not make it impossible for intelligence agencies to snoop on individual users of Google services, nor will it have any effect on legal requirements that the company comply with court orders or valid national security requests for data. But company officials and independent security experts said that increasingly widespread use of encryption technology makes mass surveillance more difficult — whether conducted by governments or other sophisticated hackers.

Global Hawk Drones now monitoring hurricanes here

List of American Assassinated Politicians here

Attempted Assassinations here

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