Friday, September 20, 2013

friday sept 20

A Month after Syria Chemical Weapons attack, many still feel effects link

NSA assesses Snowden leaks link
""When Osama bin Laden learned the NSA was monitoring his satellite telephone, for example, he switched to sending messages by courier. The messages couldn't be intercepted, but the change meant bin Laden's communications became slower and more cumbersome as a result."" LEAVING OUT MENTIONING THAT THE COURIER IS HOW HE WAS CAUGHT!!!!!!! WE NEED MORE SNOWDENS THANK YOU!!!!!

Syrian Deputy Prime Minister (speaking for his party, NOT as Syrian govt, he says) says war is in stalemate, will offer ceaasfire at Geneva link

Iraq Sectarian Violence continues link

Egypt in Crisis The Muslim Brotherhood versus Al Qaeda link

NSA---Snowden took documents from internal website link (it took NSA 4 MONTHS to figure this out??!!!)

Turkey said its warplanes shot down a Syrian helicopter on Monday after it crossed into Turkish airspace and the government warned it had taken all necessary measures to defend itself against any further such violations.  link

Inequality in NYC---Bloomberg versus Bill de Blasio link

NSA FISC August 29, 2013 report on Metadata link

5 Things GOP COULD Cut Instead of Food Stamps, If it really cared about the deficit link
How dare they consider such a thing when congressmembers — as Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA) explains in the video above  — get over $100 a day to eat when they’re traveling?  (more from my blog GOP Doesn't care about debt, Congress is the one on welfare)
Congress can cut 
1. F-35
2. War on Drugs
3. Nuclear arsenal
4. Crop insurance
5. Tax cuts for the rich

Obamacare and high premiums link
Health insurance companies across the country are seeking and winning double-digit increases in premiums for some customers, even though one of the biggest objectives of the Obama administration’s health care law was to stem the rapid rise in insurance costs for consumers.
The double-digit requests in some states are being made despite evidence that overall health care costs appear to have slowed in recent years
Federal regulators contend that premiums would be higher still without the law, which also sets limits on profits and administrative costs and provides for rebates if insurers exceed those limits.
If insurers collect premiums and do not spend at least 80 cents out of every dollar on care for their customers, the law requires them to refund the excess.
insurers have gone ahead and charged what regulators described as unreasonable rates because the state had no ability to deny the increases.
Some consumer advocates and policy experts say the insurers may be increasing rates for fear of charging too little, and they may be less afraid of having to refund some of the money than risk losing money.

Germany is ditching nuclear energy, going back to coal, even moving a whole town link

Israel----Dr Stephen Berk quoting Yitzhak Rabin ""Israel can either give citizenship to West Bank and Gaza and be a democracy, or it will not and stay a Jewish State"" link

Iran----Jon Stewart, Maziar Bahari, link

Syria Chemical weapons roundup link

NSA Thomas Drake, NSA Whistleblower, says should be dismantled and start over link
He was once a top NSA executive before he told a reporter about fraud, mismanagement and massive cost overruns at its flagship digital intelligence program, as well as privacy violations in its top secret surveillance efforts. He did this only after he tried and failed to get NSA and Pentagon inspectors and Congress to act

The Justice Department subsequently charged him under a 1917 espionage statute, but dropped the charge when not a scrap of evidence linked him to spying or a foreign power. The judge in the case called the prosecution “unconscionable.”

Michael Doran explains Al Qaeda link

After the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks by al Qaeda, Doran wrote a defining piece in Foreign Affairs magazine -- "Somebody Else's Civil War" -- that Middle East experts still cite.

Osama Bin Laden had "no intention of defeating America," Doran wrote. "War with the United States was not a goal in and of itself but rather an instrument designed to help his brand of extremist Islam survive and flourish among the believers."

Al Qaeda wanted Washington to dispatch U.S. troops to the Islamic world, so Muslims would turn on governments allied with the United States -- and provoke their collapse, Doran explained. "Americans, in short, have been drawn into somebody else's civil war."

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