Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday sept 15

I did not get to make a post for saturday, sept 14----today's post has Saturday and Sunday

The United States and Russia reached a sweeping agreement on Saturday that called for Syria’s arsenal of chemical weapons to be removed or destroyed by the middle of 2014 and indefinitely stalled the prospect of American airstrikes link

PDF Document of US Russia Syria Chemical Weapon deal link

Germany offers to help destroy Syria chem weapons link
Germany in recent weeks has ruled out participating in any military action against Syria and has pushed for action by the long-deadlocked U.N. Security Council.

Syria Chem weapon deal seen by some as beginning of larger deal to end the war link

Syrian rebels said Saturday that the U.S.-Russian deal for Syria to relinquish its chemical weapons leaves the regime unpunished for allegedly carrying out a chemical attack last month, while Syrian President Bashar al-Assad exudes a new confidence in its aftermath. link

Meanwhile after chem weapons deal reached, Syrian govt steps up bombing campaign link

Syrian warplanes and artillery bombarded rebel suburbs of the capital on Sunday after the United States agreed to call off military action in a deal with Russia to remove President Bashar al-Assad's chemical weapons.
President Barack Obama said he may still launch U.S. strikes if Damascus fails to follow a nine-month U.N. disarmament plan drawn up by Washington and Assad's ally Moscow. But a reluctance among U.S. voters and Western allies to engage in a new Middle East war, and Russian opposition, has put any attacks on hold.
Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri has told the Islamist militants who are some of Syria's toughest opposition forces to avoid alliances with other rebel fighters backed by Gulf Arab states and the West.  link

Article on Sarin gas link

I'm looking for a link where David Kay said on CNN that Iraqi sarin is not in Syria, that Iraqi sarin was much less stable---Syria's sarin is not Iraqi sarin

Afghan Coal Mine collapse kills 20 link

Canada protests religious objects ban link
The law in France link  History
France had begun to view faith as a matter for each individual citizen rather than for a nation as a whole.
2004 head scarf ban went into effect

US and Russia agree to Syria chemical weapons deal link
Mr Kerry outlined six points to the agreement:
  1. The amount and type of chemical weapons must be agreed and "rapidly" placed under international control
  2. Syria must submit within one week a comprehensive listing of its stockpiles
  3. Extraordinary procedures under the Chemical Weapons Convention will allow "expeditious destruction"
  4. Syria must give inspectors "immediate, unfettered access" to all sites
  5. All chemical weapons must be destroyed, including the possibility of removing weapons from Syrian territory
  6. UN will provide logistical support, and compliance would be enforced under Chapter VII


Principles for Decision Document by OPCW Executive Council

1. The decision should be based on para 8. Art. IV and para. 10 of Art V of the CWC.
2. The decision should address the extraordinary character of the situation with the Syrian
chemical weapons.
3. The decision should take into account the deposit by Syria of the instrument of accession to
the CWC.
4. The decision should provide for the easy accessibility for States Parties of the information
submitted by Syria.
5. The decision should specify which initial information Syria shall submit to the OPCW
Technical Secretariat in accordance with a tightly fixed schedule and also specifies an early date
for submission of the formal CWC declaration.
6. The decision should oblige Syria to cooperate fully on all aspects of its implementation.
7. The decision should address a schedule for the rapid destruction of Syrian chemical weapons
capabilities. This schedule should take into account the following target dates:
A. Completion of initial OPCW on-site inspections of declared sites by November.
B. Destruction of production and mixing/filling equipment by November.
C. Complete elimination of all chemical weapons material and equipment in the first half
of 2014.

We agree on the importance of rapid destruction of the following categories:

1. Production equipment
2. Mixing and filling equipment
3. Filled and unfilled weapons and delivery systems
4. Chemical agents (unweaponized) and precursor chemicals. For these materials, they will
pursue a hybrid approach, i.e., a combination of removal from Syria and destruction
within Syria, depending upon site-specific conditions. They will also consider the
possibility of consolidation and destruction in the coastal area of Syria.
5. Material and equipment related to the research and development of chemical weapons

The parties agree to set the following target dates:

A. Completion of initial OPCW on-site inspections by November.
B. Destruction of production and mixing/filling equipment by November.
C. Complete elimination of all chemical weapons material and equipment in the first half of

BBC WITNESS (Radio Program) link
Episode Guide link
The last Syria Bombing campaign (1983 Lebanon Civil War) link
Attica Prison riot link
4 little girls Birmingham Church Bombing link

THE NEXT ""Citizen's United"" link

The U.S. Supreme Court is set to begin hearing cases in its fall term next month. On the second day of arguments, a case that has been labeled the “next Citizens United“ will be heard by the Justices. The case, McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission (FEC), challenges aggregate spending limits that are imposed on individual donors in order to prevent corruption and the appearance of corruption. To understand the full effect that this case could have on campaign finance, it’s important to understand what limits are currently placed on individual donor contributions

US and World Nuclear weapons stockpile 2013

Ploughshares link
Arms Control Association link
FAS link

50 Richest Members of Congress----Feinstein is top woman, ranked #9 overall link

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