Sunday, September 8, 2013

Syria---My Options

There is a lot out there about non interventionists not wanting to go into Syria, who are against air strikes, who dont seem to care about 100,000 dead and 2 million refugees.

I want to explain MY thoughts on Syria and what to do----using what we should have learned from Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Arab Spring.

I want to stop the civil war, I would love to get Assad out of power, and bring democracy to Syria, and every country not lead by the will of its people.

If the US decides to strike targets as punishment for chemical weapons, then they need to do limited strikes of a few military targets to punish Assad for the use of weapons.  Mission should last a few days, no more then one week, and ideally would not escalate the war, or cause retaliation from Assad or his allies.

If we were going to go in militarily to get Assad out of power, we would need to:

Go in with a broad coalition, at least 500,000 troops with a clear and hold mission to protect civilians and prevent insurgencies---we would need to establish borders around towns and let the people govern themselves---we would only be there as protection.

We would have to be out within a year no matter what---NO occupation of a Muslim country we are there to protect not take over.

We would have to let them choose their own government-----NO Achmed Chalabi, NO Hamid Karzai, NO input in their government---NO De-Ba'athification No dismantling of the military, No prisons like Abu Ghraib or Bagram Air Base--- no outrage when they establish sharia law it has to be THEIR government of by and for the people.

It is for these reasons that I do not support military intervention in Syria---NOT because I am for Assad or Al Qaeda, NOT because I am ""ok"" with 100,000 dead ""as long as they weren't killed with chemicals"" or see chemical weapons as worse than bombs and guns---

My problem is that America has an awful track record in the Middle East---terrorists hate whatever we do, our allies feel betrayed, our interventions no matter how sincere always make things worse---Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran,

No matter how ""precise"" our weapons are, they always kill civilians, make more refugees, kill more people---the only good just war is NO WAR

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